Tuesday, July 31, 2007


So, here is a little info about the town where we will be living. It looks like the 2005 census shows a whopping population of 1096. I've seen that many people at the city of Denton swimming pool on a hot day! Sumas (pronounced Soo’mass) means “land without trees” The official website boasts these links: flood info (apparently a major problem here), utility rates, the cable tv schedule, a disclaimer, and a "contact us" page.
Here is a lovely picture of the City Hall AND the police department.

I'm not sure if this IS the utility department, or just a part of it, but with only 1096 people (plus 5 of us) I bet this is it. (Brian Rob and Doug)

Apparently, there are several forest products businesses and many farms in the area. School starts at 9 a.m.... I guess so the kids can get their chores done (cows milked, eggs gathered?) before school.

This is fun: The annual Sumas chamber events include activities like the Sumas Junior Rodeo, a Fishing Derby, not one but TWO Bull A Rama's, a Tractor Pull in September (hooray; I won't miss it) and a Car Show in the summer.

This city girl is quite excited to live in a farmhouse. Every time I see a picture of the house, I start humming the Walton's theme song. Goodnight John-Boy!
(Oh.. you can leave comments now... I changed the setting to allow anonymous or non-blogger types access to comment. Hope to hear from you!)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Our Rental Home!

So, here's a picture of the house we will be renting in Sumas, Washington! It is 1 mile from the Canadian border, and about 25 minutes of "the most beautiful drive" to work. Jim went out there yesterday and picked raspberries and blueberries and ate them right off of the vine. Apparently, blueberries are actually sweet. Who knew. The ones we get always make our faces pucker. For more pictures and info, go to http://www.astonisher.com/rentals/4bd.html
The home has been around since the early 1900's and is situated on land that has treehouses and forts built by generations of children. The view on a clear day is of the Canadian Rockies, and even though the town only has 1,000 people, there is a Costco within 1 mile! (Costco began in Kirkland, Washington, so there are a lot of them around!)
The elementary school is a short walk across a field that we can see from the upstairs master bedroom. (There is a downstairs master also) The boys are going to love it!!!!!!!
Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

How Great Is Our God

I'm listening to Chris Tomlin's song and just rejoicing at His provision. It's funny how some things just "fall into our laps," some things have to be won with prayer and tears, and other things are never granted. Trusting the God of the universe for His best (which becomes our best) can be difficult when we are striving against His plans. I have found that if I will surrender, Father really does know best :) I love this painting called "Rescued" by Darrin Hoover. It is how I feel most days while I have all of the responsibility of getting loose-ends tied up in Texas: Exhausted in the middle of the sea, boat capsized, clinging for dear life to the Cross of Christ!

Here's a picture of JW's "new" car. (actually just a reasonable facsimile, although it is the same color :) Talk about God's provision; this is definitely the "fall into the lap" answer to our prayers. It's even already paid for. GOD IS GOOD!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Only two more weekends!

The boys had a great time with Jim's sister, Christy and her husband, Jon. They took them out on the boat on Saturday. The two extra blonde cuties are their cousins. I've decided to just pack up the house and have a garage/estate sale this weekend and not list the house until we leave. I just can't imagine trying to have it in pristine condition for showings while we are trying to move!

Uncle Jon found a 1997 Mercury Sable for JW! We are picking it up today. I'm so excited that I don't have to spend one more second looking for cars. God is such a faithful Provider.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Somewhere else

Well, it looks like that house we wanted won't be available until September 1st. However, all things work together for good.... the house next door to where Jim is staying will become available August 12th, which just so "happens" to be when our estimated time of arrival in Bellingham will be! Also, the owner is a real stickler about not wanting tenants to sign a year-lease; she only wants a month-to-month obligation. Unbelievably, even that scenario is perfect for us, because we've been prequalified for a house, and when the one we would like to buy becomes available, we'll be too!

I tell you, it's fun to walk in God's plans. Sinners saved by grace. He keeps doing kind things even when we stumble and flit around like broken-winged birds.


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Jim's Second Career; Photographer :)

Here are some recent pictures that Jim has taken. The first one is his new Mini. I think it looks like it could go in the promo materials!

This one is a picture of the back of the house we want to rent in Bellingham. Doesn't it look like "Walden's Pond?!" Great composition, honey!

Finally, a view from what could be our backyard. Yes, the lake is just a few steps away from the back door!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Pictures from the trip.... FInally!

All my boys in the wee hours before Jim and JW headed off...

My handsome men!
Jim bought a cord to finally download these pictures to the computer. He had left the one we had here accidentally.
I can't wait to make this trip myself when we finally head off.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Already missing

So, this is the room I am going to miss the most. It is our library/music room. We have had Bible studies, Life Group, "home-church," jam sessions, and parties in this room. I can't tell you how many mornings I would go in there with my protein bar, milk, and frou-frou international coffee and have my quiet time. I love the dark wood, the comfy couches, and the modern fixtures we put in to replace the cheap ones. I hope someone enjoys that room as much as we did! It's "supposed to be" the formal dining area, but we don't always do what we are "supposed to" :)

My second favorite area is our big hall. I could walk down it with both arms outstretched and not touch either side! Actually, this was my dream house for this part of my life. 5 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, a master bedroom that was as big as our former living/dining combo, all the boys bedrooms upstairs with a big den for them. A huge pantry big enough to fit our whole family in if there was a tornado, a "secret closet" under the stairs that the boys loved, and a huge kitchen where I cooked many happy meals.

It will be awesome to see where the Lord leads us next. He does make the lines of our habitations fall "in pleasant places!"

Friday, July 6, 2007

Trying to get up there....

Here are a couple of views of the house Jim is staying in. (He is sub-letting a room). Jim LOVES his job! He is going in real early (5 or 5:30 a.m. and getting off at 2:00 or 2:30). He likes to work when no one is on the computers; it makes it much easier to troubleshoot! He went to the Bay a couple of days back and played his flute towards the ocean. A jazz student happened by with his guitar, and after making some music together, they went to an open mic night at a jazz bar. Jim said it was wonderful. It is VERY slow going here, trying to pack and put the house up on the market. We will be selling most of our furniture, so let us know if you are interested in looking, or can refer us on to anyone needing couches, dining table, entertainment centers, coffee tables, lots of office furniture.... etc!!!