Monday, January 21, 2008

Our House

We've made an offer on this home and land. If you want to know more details, YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO LEAVE A COMMENT!
Thank you and Goodnight.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

My only resolution this year is to allow God to shine His Light through me. Whatever that entails....May He do the same in you.
Here's some pictures from the last few days. It was so incredibly wonderful having JW here in Washington with us for Christmas and the New Year. He's leaving on a jet plane... tomorrow morning. I'm NOT looking forward to that. Over the holidays I've realized what awesome children we have. Sure, they accidentally break windows in our 100 year old rental home... Yes, they "miss" when they are in the restroom... Of course they generate messes like it was a full-time job... But, they are talented and sweet and sharp as tacks, loving and full of life and confidence... And, they LOVE God! Who could ask for anything more.
Here they are all lined up for their Baptisms on December 23rd.

Christmas Eve Eve getting to open one present

JW came into our room at 3:11 a.m. and announced that it was Christmas. (to his credit, it WAS 5:11 a.m. in Texas-time, which he was still acclimated to). Suffice it to say, we told him to go back to bed, but since we couldn't sleep after that, we DID get up an hour later!

Some wonderful new friends not only invited us over for dinner after the Christmas Eve service, but they gave us access to their cabin in Glacier on the road to Mount Baker. Jim took the boys overnight and they did lots of sledding down the steep incline at the cabin. In the morning, I came to get them and we took a walk at the Nooksack River; resplendent with snow on the trail and trees and rocks.

Family Portrait at Bob's Burgers in Sumas. (Yes, that's a stuffed turkey behind us. It was that, or the moose head over the fireplace...)