Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Our first Washington snowfall happened last night! I had asked Joshy to go feed Zoie (the cat that came with the house) and he ran back in and said, "It's snowing! I'm not kidding!" We grabbed our coats and fought our way out the door to see big old flakes of gorgeous white purity making their way down onto the trees and yard! First of all, we Texas folk aren't used to a continual downpour, or for it to actually accumulate and provide us with enough snow to have a decent snowball fight! I have pictures, but I don't know how to download them.... I will post them when they are ready!

Unfortunately, it's in the upper 30's right now, so the snow is melting. There is more in the forecast, though, so we are totally pumped!

A couple of weekends ago Jim and I went with another couple to Leavenworth,a charming Bavarian village that is literally a Christmas wonderland. 2 million visitors come throughout the year to visit this amazing town. We ate German food, went to the little shops, and took lots of pictures that I will eventually post... Here's one from the website to wet your whistle:

On November 29th, Leavenworth will be featured on "Good Morning America Lights Up the Holidays" at 7a.m. Pacific Time. (9:00 a.m. in Texas?) It ranks as the number one Christmas Village in the United States. No wonder.


It snowed on our way home, (which is one of the most beautiful drives up here;) there are dozens of little waterfalls literally coming out of the roadside rock walls, and there is the most gorgeous river that winds its way alonside much of the road up the mountain.

On November 16th, Jonathan and I performed at the Lynden Community Center for over 200 people. Besides his Johnny Cash numbers, I sang "Jesus Take the Wheel", "Over the Rainbow" (Martina McBride's version) and an acapella rendering of "Amazing Grace." It was SOOOO fun and the people were wonderful. The gals that had scheduled us for the Trailblazer's event were there with their husbands, and during one of our songs, came up to the stage and each threw a dollar bill on it. More people came up and threw some dollars here and there, then afterwards a few came up to us to press some bills or change into our hands. When all was said and done, we left with $70! We don't charge anything for our performances, so to be blessed with that kind of monetary gift blew us away!

Inevitably when I sing, someone always comes up and tells me they want me to sing at their funeral. I never know which way to take it. Is it a complement? I mean, they won't REALLY be in attendance, now will they. I guess there aren't enough occasions on earth to have a song sung just for you. We need to make some up so they can hear it now!

Comments and emails appreciated!!!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

WIndy Washington

Jonathan won Second Place in the Talent Show! First place went to a Bagpipe player who really was quite good; he was dressed in a kilt and everything. Being friends with one of the judges' mom, I found out that there was quite a debate going on to make Jonathan first place. Finally, one of the judges said that the bagpipe was INCREDIBLY difficult, and he knew for a matter of fact that the fellow practiced many many hours.... They should come to our house! Jonathan was thrilled. I'll post pictures later.

On another note :).... some Southern winds blew out the power in 4 towns yesterday! (they sound like a train which is about to come through the house) We were without electricity Monday morning until some time last night. We decided to go ahead and stay in our unheated house. It wasn't too bad... I've camped in colder weather! The boys thought it was quite the adventure. They all slept in the guest room with a huge flashlight at the ready, and Jim and I got a battery-operated Coleman lantern in case we needed to see. I slept like a baby, all toasty under the covers. The broken branches all over the property are overwhelming, however. We feel very fortunate that one didn't land on our vehicles or roof, or come through the window!

Speaking of things coming through windows, though, Jonathan accidentally kicked the soccer ball through our front door side window on Sunday WHILE OUR LANDLORD was visiting. Talk about embarrassing....

Conferences for school report cards start this week on Wednesday. The boys will be released for the next 6 days at 12:50. Fun fun.

How is it in YOUR neck of the woods?

Friday, November 9, 2007

Singing in Washington

On Monday I sang with four other gals as part of the Sister Act choir. We sang "O Happy Day" and I get to take the solo on "I Will Follow Him." It's quite fun. We might be doing it in December at another fellowship I attend once a month. (Stonecroft, an international organization that hosted the retreat I went to at Cedar Springs a couple of weeks ago) Tonight, Jonathan and I are singing at a talent show. He'll be doing a Johnny Cash song, and I've been asked to sing Amazing Grace for the finale!

I have sang Amazing Grace quite a bit since I've been here. The Lord has used that song SEVERAL times to bring the listeners to tears. He is so precious. His grace has been SO amazing in my life, I think whoever hears me sing it can sense the reality of each word in my life. God is so good!